Ok, so I have a Master in Economics and my old me would argue that statement to be a bit of an oxymoron. However, there's a great organization called nef (or the new economics foundation) whose sole purpose is just that. They focus on "promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues" and they do some really interesting work. There's one particular thesis of theirs that I really like, it is called "Five ways to wellbeing". It basically lists five key actions to incorporate into our day-to-day lives to improve our wellbeing; 1/ Connect (with people around you), 2/ Be active (exercising makes you feel good), 3/ Take notice (basically about being present and general mindfulness), 4/ Keep learning (try something new) and 5/ Give (because giving is receiving). Do note that this is actually a research paper, it is an evidence based report. Have a look at some more details and get inspired to improve your wellbeing: Download "Five ways to wellbeing"