I'm on a path. It's not a straight path. More like one of those paths where you take one step forwards and then a few back and then skip ahead a few steps just to find yourself back on square one a moment later. But for some reason I can't seem to kick back, relax and stop trying. I want to reach that foggy mist in the distance, because I just know that there's something mighty and worthy at the end of the path and, in the mean time, I'm thoroughly enjoying the walk, stroll, trot...

Yoga, in its broader form, presents us with an eight-limbed path. Over the past two years, I've started taking this on-board as a guide, or a map, of how to live and ultimately how to get in touch with who we really are and what really matters. I'm creatively, but respectfully, adapting the ancient yogic guidebook to suit my general level of yogicness. You see I'm still struggling with just getting my head around
understanding some of the latter limbs, for example; dhyana or meditative absorption. How does one get absorbed in meditation? Hopefully I will find out and be able to tell you about it... Or actually, probably not. Because that's one of the things that are so great about yoga, it doesn't preach, it's simply experiential. It just tells you to try for yourself and see what happens.
Anyway, this hugely gratifying walk of mine is taking me past some truly amazing literature, inspirational people, some interesting ideas or alternative ways of looking at life. Or sometimes just some simply delicious recipes or beautiful sunsets. And I want to share it.